PVMA Officers and Directors Announced
The Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Association (PVMA) elected the following officers for 2015/2016: President – Rick Fryda, president/CEO of Compco Industries; Vice President – Bill Kahl, general manager of Steel Fab, a Division of the Samuel Pressure Vessel Group; Secretary Treasurer – Brooke Conrad, quality manager for Worthington Industries.
In addition, Barry Berquist, president of the Samuel Pressure Vessel Group; and Dave Skillman, vice-president of sales for Compco Industries, were re-elected to the Association’s Board of Directors.
Furthermore, PVMA will hold its Fall Business Meeting August 31 - September 1, 2015, at the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors in Columbus, Ohio. Non-members are encouraged to attend and registration is complimentary. Contact PVMA at info@pvma.org for more information and how to register.