National Board Registers Over 1.8 Million Items in Fiscal Year 2021
NBBI has announced 1,875,125 registrations of boilers, pressure vessels, attachments, and nuclear equipment for fiscal year 2021 (July 1, 2020–June 30, 2021).
The National Board’s Certificate of Authorization to Register ensures a third-party inspection process, providing for uniform acceptance of pressure-retaining equipment by member jurisdictions. This important safety process is documented via submission of data reports by the manufacturer to the National Board. These are the only reports for items carrying the National Board registration number. Once registered, each report is maintained in a permanent file by manufacturer name and National Board number.
The National Board began registering boilers and pressure vessels in 1921. Since then, more than 64 million registrations have been filed and maintained by NBBI.
For more information on National Board Registration and Manufacturer's Data Reports, click HERE.
Additional registration information will be published in the fall 2021 BULLETIN. Click HERE for a free subscription.