Because of numerous food and beverage functions, substantial sleeping room requirements, and minimal meeting room needs, the General Meeting is considered to be a highly desired event for many resorts and hotels.
A prerequisite to conducting the General Meeting first involves representation by a National Board member (see Member Directory). A location may be eligible to host the General Meeting provided it is situated in a city, state, or province represented by a member jurisdiction. Contacting the National Board member and expressing interest in conducting the General Meeting is a good way to begin the process.
For a hotel to be considered, it must have enough space to physically accommodate meeting functions (one ballroom accommodating up to 500 persons theater and banquet style, and one medium-sized conference room) and sleeping arrangements (up to 200 rooms per evening). All required space must be situated in a single hotel or resort facility.
General Meeting site selection is determined by a number of important factors, foremost of which is maximizing event attendance. To accomplish this, the National Board identifies locations attendees want to visit; evaluates sightseeing activities available in the immediate and surrounding areas; considers ease of transportation access from the airport to the host hotel and from the attendees' airports to the host city’s airport; availability of quality accommodations; and reasonable room rates (expressed in dollars of the year the General Meeting will be conducted).
Perhaps the most critical component of the site selection process involves the aspirations of each location requesting consideration. Given the General Meeting’s appeal, the National Board seeks to partner with cities and hotels having a thorough appreciation for its work – appreciation reflected in enthusiasm and a desire to host what is a first-class event.
The site selection process for a specific General Meeting location is typically completed five years in advance of the event.
NOTE: because the General Meeting is traditionally conducted with ASME, consideration for this organization’s space needs may also enter into the decision-making process.