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86th General Meeting

Print Date: 12/3/2024 12:37:20 PM

Alaska: If Not Now, When?
Save the Date

Save the date for the 86th National Board/ASME General Meeting hosted in Anchorage, Alaska, May 8-12, 2017, and join the National Board and ASME for a week of meetings, technical presentations, and industry networking while exploring Anchorage’s rustic charm and natural beauty.

Two hotels will accommodate the meeting: the Hilton Anchorage (host hotel) and the Anchorage Marriott Downtown, both at the exceptional rate of $159/night.

Planning for the 86th General Meeting is underway. Watch for full details (including special hotel reservation links and General Meeting registration) coming soon on InfoLink! and in the winter issue of the BULLETIN.


SAFETY: If Not Now, When?