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NBBI Membership Awards

Print Date: 12/3/2024 12:21:07 PM


Honorary Membership

Peter Dodge, Dennis Eastman, Craig Hopkins, Kathy Moore, and Milton Washington were recognized as NBBI honorary members. 

Dodge was the manager/chief boiler inspector for the province of Nova Scotia for 22 years until retiring in 2017. He served on the NBBI Committee on Qualifications for Inspection and held NBBI Inservice and Authorized Inspector commissions and AB, and R endorsements. 

Eastman retired as director of engineering and inspection services for the province of Newfoundland and Labrador in 2020. He became chief inspector in 1992 and spent over 30 years in the boiler and pressure vessel industry. He held NBBI Inservice and Authorized Inspector commissions and AB, and R endorsements.

Hopkins has been engaged in boiler and pressure vessel design and repairs for almost 50 years and is the fifth-generation owner and president of Seattle Boiler Works. He has been on the NBIC Main Committee for 28 years and served on the National Board Advisory Committee.

Moore has been the welding quality control manager for Joe Moore & Co. for almost 25 years. She is a member of the NBIC Main Committee, the Subcommittee for Repairs and Alterations, and the chair of the Task Group Interpretations (Repairs and Alterations) and the Subgroup Repairs and Alterations. She also served on the Advisory Committee.

Washington retired as deputy director for the state of New Jersey in 2023 after more than 23 years. He also was a member of the Board of Trustees for nearly 14 years and currently serves the National Board as senior staff engineer-credentialing. He holds NBBI Inservice and Authorized Inspector commissions and AB, and R endorsements.  

Honorary membership is given to an individual who has made outstanding and noteworthy contributions toward improving the development, implementation, or enforcement of safety principles related to the boiler and pressure vessel industry. 

Hopkins and Moore were elected last year but could not attend the 91st General Meeting in Las Vegas. 


Membership Service Awards

Julius Dacanay received the 10-year service award, and Brian Oliver, Dave Warburton, Don Kinney, Jose Taveras, Roger Boillard, Timothy Boggs, and Tom Clark received five-year service awards.

Dacanay has been chief boiler inspector for the state of Hawaii since February 2013. He became an inspector for the state in 2002 and was manager of the Boiler & Elevator Inspection Branch.

Boillard represents the state of Indiana. He joined the Boiler and Pressure Vessel section of the Indiana Department of Homeland Security in 2017. He also served as a machinist's mate in the U.S. Navy from 1988-97. 

Boggs is the chief boiler inspector for the state of Missouri. In 2016, Boggs joined the state as an inservice inspector before becoming deputy inspector. He also served in the U.S. Army from 1988-91.

Clark became chief boiler inspector for the state of Oregon in April 2019 after being a deputy inspector the previous four years. He also served as an engineering laboratory technician and nuclear machinist’s mate in the U.S. Navy for six years. 

Kinney has been chief boiler inspector for the state of North Carolina since 2019 after being a deputy inspector and assistant bureau chief since 2012. 

Oliver has represented the state of New Hampshire since November 2019. He previously worked as an authorized nuclear inspector for Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. He also served in the U.S. Navy for six years as a nuclear machinist. 

Taveras represents the state of Rhode Island. He became a boiler inspector with the state’s Department of Labor and Training in 2017. 

Warburton has represented the state of Florida since October 2018. Before that, he had been a senior deputy chief boiler inspector for the state of Delaware since 2013. He also served in the U.S. Coast Guard from 1988-92.

Awardees received a pin and certificate. NBBI members are eligible to receive an award upon completion of five years and at the end of every five years thereafter.