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Inspector Supervisor Course (B)(O) moved to July 17-21

Print Date: 12/3/2024 12:22:13 PM

Course is only opportunity in 2023 to earn O Endorsement

The Inspector Supervisor Course that is a combination of the B Endorsement (Authorized Inspector Supervisor) and the O Endorsement (Owner/User Inspector Supervisor) has been moved to July 17-21. This is an in-person class offered at our Columbus, Ohio campus.

This course is the only time the O Endorsement will be offered this year.

The course is designed to qualify individuals to provide technical supervision of Authorized Inspectors and Owner/User Inservice Inspectors. Topics common to all supervisors are taught in classroom lecture format, then supplemented with workshops and breakout sessions for training more specific to the work of the inspectors.

Enroll now while classroom spots are still available. For more information or to register, click here.