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Roe Named ASME President



K. Keith Roe, a technical expert in nuclear engineering and former chairman of the energy firm Burns and Roe, has been named president of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for a one-year term that continues to July 2017.

Roe is an ASME fellow and has been a member of the Society for more than 44 years. His leadership roles in ASME include a three-year term as a Board of Governors member, founding chair and member of the ASME Industry Advisory Board, a member and chair of the Board of Directors of the ASME Foundation, and chair of the Board of Trustees.

Roe is the recipient of the ASME Dedicated Service Award and the Society’s Outstanding Leadership Award. He is also a recipient of the prestigious ASME President’s Award and the ASME Foundation Legacy Award. In addition, Roe has received a number of industry and academic recognitions, including the James Porter Technology Award from Fiatech, the Silver Certificate from the American Nuclear Society, and the Industry Leadership Award from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Roe received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Princeton University. He earned both a master’s degree and engineer’s degree in nuclear engineering from MIT. He also served on active duty in the U.S. Navy (1968-74).